Baby Steps
 Baby Steps ~ A resource center for parents and children who have lost a child or sibling of any age, and also provide a place of comfort. Please click on sun and clouds to connect. |
Born too soon
 The site discusses in depth the emotional side of pregnancy loss and there are special pages for still birth, ending a pregnancy due to abnormalities, children and giref and a page for relatives/friends on helping someone with pregnancy loss. Also offers free remembrance certificates. |
Compassionate Friends
 The Compassionate Friends is a national nonprofit, self-help support organization that offers friendship and understanding to bereaved parents, grandparents and siblings. |
A Place to Remember
 Offers "uplifting support materials for those who have been touched by a crisis in pregnancy or the death of a baby." Resources Links include Infant Loss Support Groups and Literature, Genetics and Special Groups, Adoption, Infertility, High Risk Pregnancy, Grief, Preemies, Miscarriage, and more. APTR also offers dozens of items to assist both caregivers and grieving individuals, including speciality cards, books, gifts (memorial birth certificates, ceramic pieces, memory boxes), and funeral-related products.
Baby Loss
 These pages have been collated to provide information and support online for a mother and father that has experienced the devastating loss of a baby. Please click on flower to connect. |
 Empty Cradles site was created from parents who have lived through the very same experience, whether that may be miscarriage or infant loss. They are there to provide you with support, understanding and information on how to cope with the death of your baby.
 Honored Babies for those who have experienced miscarriage, stillbirth, neonatal death. |
 Poppys Page - in loving memory of a daughter Poppy, stillborn at 21 weeks. Has many resources and alot support. |
 All parents of babies born between the ages of 18 and 24 weeks of pregnancy should have the opportunity to legally register their baby's birth if they so wish.
Born angels
 A site for grieving parents who have lost a baby at any stage of their pregnancy, ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage, or stillbirth and for their family and friends.
Sahara and her friends in Heaven
 This started as a personal site in remembrance of Sahara Kegley, who lived only two hours. But it has turned into much more with chat area, remembrance pages, and a list of people available by email for those who need to talk to someone.