Miscarriage by Dawn Banks George - shares miscarriage loss. Please click on sunflower to connect to this beautiful site that has many resources.
Journal for pregnancy and neonatal loss.
Miscarriage Support Groups in New Zealand
Miscarriage Association UK charity
Christian Miscarriage Support Group A site for anyone who has lost a child to miscarriage.
Bristol Miscarriage Support Group aims to provide a safe environment in which men and women experiencing the grief of losing a pregnancy can come together to share their experiences andprovide each other with mutual support.
Outlines miscarriage causes and statistics, provides insight on dealing with the loss of a baby, and hosts angel dedication pages.
Mourning Miscarriage: A Missing Peace from ABC News
SilentGrief.com, miscarriage, support, child loss, Silent Grief, death of a child, mothers grieving miscarriage, fathers grief
A Story of Miscarriage and Infertility
Jen's Pregnancy & Infant Loss Awareness Site
Miscarriages and HPV Author: Mischele Lewis
Miscarriage & Infant Loss Memorial Book ~ The Memorial book is used by individuals worldwide to request prayer for babies from conception to 1 year old and their families.
My Heart Belongs to You - Miscarriage support, poems, dedications and stories.
Miscarriage Support, INCIID - A message board provided to connect with others who have suffered the devastation of pregnancy loss.
Names with meanings ~ From Angel Babies
Our Stories of Miscarriage : Healing With Words by Rachel Faldet (Editor), Karen Fitton (Editor) Available through Amazon.com.
It is estimated that about 15% of all pregnancies end in a miscarriage. Althought that numer could actually be much higher, since many times a miscarriage occurs before a woman even knows she is pregnant. Although the exact cause of a miscarriage is often not known it is often thought to be related to genetic abnormalites that are not compatible with life.